La Métairie des Vergers

Gites de France - 3 épis

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Property and Publication

This website is published under the responsibility of:

Marie-José und Christian WURTZ
3 rue Principale - 55160 Watronville
Telefon/Fax: +33 (0)3 29 87 32 21
Handy: +33 (0)6 85 51 15 25

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Rights of use

This website (including its design) has been created by AMD Project. Contents (including pictures) are the property of Mr and Mrs Christian Wurtz.

The website owner grants you the right to access this contents in a normal operating and browsing environment. Any use of this website's contents outside of the website must be agreed in writing by the owners.

Management of personnal data

This website can collect and process automatically some personal data regarding visitors and users using web forms that the users fill on its own. The treatment associated with the data depends on the form used:

  • Contact Form: Only the owners of the website will access information that are communicated. Data you send will not be shared with any third party and will not be published on our website;
  • Pre-booking form: Only the owners of the website will access information that are communicated. Data you send will not be shared with any third party and will not be published on our website;
  • Comment in the guestbook: all information provided will be public (nickname, city, visit date, message) except your e-mail address which will not be shared with any third party, nor published. By publishing a message in our guestbook, the visitor accepts the information he'll provide will be published.

Your data are processed in the European Union and can solely be accessed by the owners of the website for the purpose of managing your booking or answering your queries. In any case, visitors and users can consult, modify and delete at anytime any personal information they shared with us by sending an e-mail to .


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This website may collect personal information about you while you browse it, like your e-mail address, your name, your address. You are providing these information on your own.

You can consult, modify or delete these information at anytime by sending an e-mail to.

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The contents of this website is legally privileged against copy: any use of its contents and pictures must be agreed in writing by the website owners.

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